Pebblecrete Pool Resurfacing
Do I need a resurface?
So, you have noticed that your pebblecrete pool surface is looking a bit tired or has missing or cracked sections of pebblecrete. Now before you decide to spend a significant amount of your hard earned cash on a pool resurface it might be a good idea to educate yourself on the process and questions to answer before going any further.
How long does pebblecrete last?
Typically, you can expect to get at least 12 years out of a pool surface. Some pool surfaces even lasting beyond 20 years if it was applied correctly.
Can you see cracks in the pebblecrete?
Generally small hairline cracks in your pebblecrete pool surface are nothing to worry about and usually seal themselves with calcium deposits. A tell-tale sign that you may need a resurface is if you have a large amount of calcium deposits all over the floor of the pool. These look like white blobs of white or grey calcium that do not brush off.
Has the pebblecrete delaminated?
Delamination looks like bubbles forming under the pebblecrete. Delamination occurs when the pebblecrete surface pulls away from the concrete pool water and water gets in behind the pebblecrete further exacerbating the problem. Any areas greater than 1 meter squared are a concern and will only get worse over time. Smaller areas can be simply patched.
Would an acid wash make my pool look better?
The answer is generally yes. An acid wash takes a fine layer of concrete from the pebblecrete and removes staining caused by metals in the water usually from the use of pool algaecides that contain copper or salt that can sometimes have excessive amounts of iron. An acid wash will not rectify delamination as mentioned above.
Pebblecrete pool resurfacing cost? and methods.
There are 2 methods to resurfacing a pebblecrete pool. Both are messy, loud and costly. Sorry remember we are being upfront here. No secrets.
1. The Cut and Chip method. This method of resurfacing your pebblecrete surface is utilised if you already have waterline pools tiles that you are happy to keep in place and the existing pebblecrete has approximately 70% of good solid coverage after knocking out the loose and drummy areas. The cut and chip name comes from the process of making a cut approximately 200mm down from your existing pool tiles all the way around a pool then chipping out the 200mm between the cut and the underside of the waterline pool tiles the whole way around the pool so that the new pebblecrete surface can neatly butt up to the existing pool tile edge.
2. Full Removal. The full removal method is exactly how it sounds. This involves days of jackhammering to remove the old pebblecrete surface much to the annoyance of your once friendly neighbours.
Pebblecrete resurfacing can be an expensive and messy job and often ends up costing a lot more than anticipated. Pebblecrete resurfacing can cost anything between $8000 to $12000 dollars and the process is a little more involved than you think.
How to repair pebblecrete?
Patching pebblecrete is an easy and very cost effective way to extend the life of your pool surface. Our pebblecrete repair kits were developed after many requests from people just like you, requesting a cheaper alternative to a pebblecrete resurface.
We sell easy to use pebblecrete repair kits to suit most types of pebblecrete surfaces and ship all over Australia for free.
Pool resurfacing can be messy
There are many hidden costs when resurfacing a pool like having to replace the hydrostatic valve, possible skimmer box leaks, new pool fittings and new pool coping.